Using the App

1. **Disclaimer:** We hereby declare that we are not liable for any incidents befalling you or your relatives while using our application.

2. **Data Security:** We absolve ourselves from responsibility in the event of data loss or theft on our platform.

3. **Content Policy:** We strictly prohibit NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content on public servers. Posting such content will result in an IP ban.

Creating an account

1. **Age Requirement:** Users must be at least 13 years old to register and use this application.

Creating a server

1. **Language policy:** We want our app to be language friendly and to follow on that goal we ask you for your server title to match your server's language. eg. If your server name / description contains a chinese sentence / word the server language must be set to chinese else it will result in your server being banned.

About the App

This application is officially pronounced O-Road, although users are permitted to refer to it as Omega Road.

Note: The name Omega Road is used here for illustration purposes only and does not represent any existing entity.